Friday 10 June 2016

[REVIEW] Peripera Peri's Tint Water (#1 Cherry Juice)

Hey guys! I'm back with another review!

ERROR: I forgot to add the word 'Water' in my photos
Lip Tints have been really popular and most of the lip tints have been used for gradient lips, which also have been a huge trend around South Korea right now and almost every single Korean celebrity I know (be it singers, K-pop idols, YouTubers, makeup artists, etc.) are following this trend around mid-2014 and still a huge trend now!

There are different types of lip tints. There are gel lip tints, liquid lip tints, peel-off lip tints, etc. Lip Tints is literally the first step to achieving that natural and beautiful gradient lips.
The one I have with me right now is Peripera's Peri's Tint in #1 Cherry Juice, which is a really popular colour from their whole Peri's Tint line. It's a natural cherry red with a pink undertone colour, which is a very common colour. However, it does look like the lips are bleeding (just got to point that out).
I have mixed feelings about it. It probably has an equal amount of pros and cons about this lip tint. Now first, this is very liquid-y, so make sure to wipe off some product on the side of the bottle before applying it onto your lips. The colour is very pretty and it is not very drying, but it does emphasise the dry lines and cracks of the lips, so it looks dry, but really, it's not that dry in reality.
here's how the gradient lips look like

here's how the full lips look like

Since it comes with a doe-foot applicator, it makes it easier to apply the lip tint onto lips so that's a plus. A little goes a long way. You just need a tinsy-tiny bit of product and it'll spread around your lips evenly. You don't need a lot, really, so this will last a long time.

Also, it lasts for a very long time. The longevity is great because it lasts the whole day and some lip stain/tint is still going to be there by the end of the day. It does fade away a little throughout the day, but there's no need to reapply again. It also doesn't transfer if you let it dry for a few minutes so that's also a plus. Another good thing about this lip tint is that it works well if you want a gradient lip or full lip-look so it's versatile. It also spreads nicely but you have to be fast because it sets fast.
A con is that it actually gets into your teeth. I don't know if it's just my problem, because my teeth sort of sticks out a little naturally, but it does get onto my teeth and no, it's not a little dot or spot. It's actually a lot of stains here and there (only the front teeth). I have tried to extend my lips away from my front teeth, but it still stains my teeth, so maybe if your teeth sticks out, you need to prepare some tissues to wipe the stains off.

Another con is that it's very difficult to remove the lip tint right after you apply it (it works only if you let it sit for a whole day). It's harder to remove this lip tint compared to some matte liquid lipsticks, unfortunately so you do need to let it sit for quite some time or use a really powerful makeup remover.
Also, when you taste it (I accidentally licked my teeth that had the lip tint stain), it's really bitter, but surprisingly, the scent smells nice. 

One pro is that this is very affordable.

Price: 9,000KRW
Store Location: Clio Professional store branches, Memebox, Peripera, KoreaDepart
Size/Amount of Product: 6.5ml
Would I repurchase this? No, gradient lips isn't really my thing and plus, I've been addicted to wearing matte liquid lipsticks so nope.

-pretty colour
-doesn't transfer (let it set for 30 mins to an hour)
-not too drying
-spreads easily

-stains teeth
-difficult to remove
-bitter taste but nice scent

Overall Comment:
I don't think this is a bad product, but I don't think it's anything special about it like "Oh my gosh, I love it soooo much". Like, it's unique, but it's not something I would wear everyday just because. I mean, I would still wear it, but not that much because I don't want to keep wiping off the stain from my lips because it's inconvenient.



  1. Thanks for the reviews.
    Come across your blog while searching for 3ce spotted.
    Your reviews are quite detailed.
    Oh, where did you get all the korean products?


    1. Hi there! Thanks for reading my blog/review! I visited Seoul last winter in December 2015 so I bought A LOT of Korean products there (mainly in Myeongdong street). :) You can definitely try purchasing your Korean products online (if you don't have access of any Korean products in your country) like GMarket, KoreaDepart, YesAsia, etc! ^^
